Refresh – The 30-Second Briefing App For iPhone Puts An End To Small Talk!


Not only is it an awesome productivity app, it’s free! Refresh taps your calendar for meetings you have scheduled with people and delivers a 30-second briefing sheet for each person – just in time for your meeting. Unlike typical calendaring apps, Refresh finds out who you are meeting with and then scours the internet and social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Foursquare for contextual information about the person. The app touts its ability to combine recent Tweets, Facebook posts, Foursquare check-ins and LinkedIn updates into a 30-second briefing sheet that is delivered to your iPhone just prior to your scheduled meetings. But it’s not just for scheduled meetings in your calendar, users can look someone up on the fly in the event of an ad-hoc run in. Again, a quick overview of the person and what’s happening in their life is brought to you on your mobile phone with the ability to take notes!


Just for high powered government officials? No way! Users of the Refresh app run the gamut of professional worker bees and high powered executives, to busy Moms and Dads – all of whom need Refresh as part of their daily lives. It’s what is helping them build their professional and personal relationships and facilitate more productive meetings, appointments and casual interactions. Quite simply, Refresh promises to put an end to small talk!
The Refresh app is part of Apple’s iTunes app store and is free to download. In addition to being a serious productivity app, it’s an excellent conversation starter at any party or event. According to David Berkowitz, the chief marketing officer of MRY Agency in New York, a 400-person digital media agency and frequent contributor to Ad Age, “If you meet with as many people as I do – a slew of internal meetings, reporters, event organizers, tech companies, every day” you need something to help with calendar organization, but Refresh has more of a focus on the meeting and participants vs. the calendar and I’m always surprised by the incredible amount of information that helps me find illuminating connections to people I’ve never even met before.”

Imagine your alarm going off 15-minutes before your next scheduled appointment or meeting with someone and having Refresh deliver a complete roundup of the latest and greatest information about that person right to your phone.


As you can see, the image above shows a detailed backgrounder on a person’s most recent social sharing and anything else that can be found on the Internet.

Download Refresh today: Refresh iPhone App Download


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